The Gifts of The Spirit: Speaking in Tongues Part 2

Gentleness: The Strength of Being Tender (Sanctuary)

Gentleness: The Strength of Being Tender (Auditorium)

Faithfulness: A Key to Flourishing Relationships (Sanctuary)

Faithfulness: A Key to Flourishing Relationships (Auditorium)

Co-mingled Fruit: Kindness & Goodness:(Sanctuary)

Co-mingled Fruit: Kindness & Goodness: (Auditorium)

Patience: the Benefits of Waiting and Trusting (Sanctuary)

Patience: the Benefits of Waiting and Trusting (Auditorium)

The Gifts of The Spirit: Speaking in Tongues
Mike Redman & Steph Hietbrink unpack the gift of speaking in tongues.