Expressing Goodness Through Generosity: Worship

Series: Expressing Goodness Through Generosity: Flourishing in Exile


Expressing Goodness Through Generosity: Worship

June 07, 2020 | Kevin Korver

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-21; Matthew 6:19-24

If our Triune God is inviting us into a “circle of love” as we learned in the last series, then we experience a unique welcome into the Kingdom of God. Please recall that our corporate worship theme this year is entitled “flourishing in exile.” Previously in worship we have seen how “bearing the Fruit of the Spirit” and “participating in the Circle of Love” allow us to flourish in exile. Another way we can flourish in exile is through the goodness of generosity. In the coming weeks, let’s explore six Biblical themes which may encourage us to flourish together. These themes are: worship, community, work, equity, creation care and rest.

Our hope is that by exploring Scripture through these six key ideas, the Spirit will call us into opportunities where the goodness and the generosity of the Kingdom of God can be shared. We recall the words of Jesus: “...may your Kingdom come and your will be done on the earth as it is in heaven.”


Sermon Discussion Guide

Series Information

Our hope is that by exploring Scripture through these six key ideas, the Spirit will call us into opportunities where the goodness and the generosity of the Kingdom of God can be shared.

Other sermons in the series