Lighthouse Ministries

The focus of the Lighthouse is to provide a sacred place for many different types of prayer.


Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12, NIV). It is our hope that the Lighthouse serves as a symbolic and actual point of light for Third Church, the community, the region and the world. The various levels of the Lighthouse are intended to be spaces for all people to invite the Light – inviting the Spirit’s Presence for transformation through meditation and intercession. But a lighthouse does more than just welcome light. It's purpose is to spread that light, just as we are called to share the Light in the spiritually darkened world around us. 

The Spirit of God is moving across the globe to invite and inspire God’s people to pray and bring forth His harvest. We are intentionally creating sacred space for God to move; sharing Christ’s Light to overcome darkness. May we become people of the Light so that we may share the Light!

Our Vision

In partnership with the larger vision of Third Church, we are a ministry of prayer that seeks to equip a people of prayer who seeks God’s presence and reflects His glory!

Third Church values :
Merging the Word and Spirit in prayer
Spiritual rhythms for personal transformation 
Opportunities for communal worship and prayer
Intercession for our community, region, nation and world
Rhythms of night and day prayer 
Creating sacred spaces for communion with Jesus 

We believe that prayer is like breathing…there is an in and out component – we draw near to God to be filled, restored, blessed and equipped so that we might be sent out to advance His Kingdom.



 “We need space and time to contemplate and meditate. In fact, time to stop is becoming a rare commodity….
We can counter the culture by promoting the idea of sacred space.
We can give people the time, the peace, the quiet and the reflection that they just don’t get outside--the time for prayer and worship; the time to think about things that really count.” 
-Brian and Kevin Draper – Refreshing Worship 

The focus of the Lighthouse is to provide a sacred place for many different types of prayer. We encourage a culture of quiet as you commune with the Lord and with one another in prayer. (A culture of quiet does not require absolute silence; the idea is that multiple people are able to use shared prayer space). 


The Good Shepherd
ResourcesPrayer ResourcesRetreat Guide

Reflect on Psalm 23 using “Lectio Divina” or Sacred Reading. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you sit with this Scripture today. Take a...

The Sower
ResourcesPrayer ResourcesRetreat Guide

The parable of the sower in Matthew 13 deals with the inner condition of one's heart. This design shows a beat-en path, gravel, thorny soil and...

These are the Wells of Our Lives
ResourcesPrayer ResourcesRetreat Guide

Groundwater is accessed and life sustained through the digging of wells. Wells represent life, prosperity and abundance. In a dry land, a good...



Floors in the Lighthouse

Prayer Furnace

This space is designed with students in mind, it contains stations and resources that help students spend time with Jesus in prayer.


This space reflects the theme of the church calendar, and contains furniture that allows small groups or individuals to spend time in prayer. Soaking music is available on this floor to be used during prayer times.


This space is designed with silence and solitude in mind, with individual areas to pray, along with many resources that will help you grow in spiritual rhythms.


This space continues to have a focus of “praying out” for our community, our region, our nation and the world. There are books, prayer guides, and stations designed to help you pray in this way. The mezzanine area of this floor allows for 360 degree views of our community and the surrounding area.
