05.19.20 | Resources, Prayer Resources, Retreat Guide | by Terry Van Dusseldorp
When we approach a God who loves us and see Him with arms that are “wrap-around” arms, we find shelter.
When we approach a God who loves us and see Him with arms that are “wrap-around” arms, we find shelter.
Reflect on Psalm 23 using “Lectio Divina” or Sacred Reading. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you sit with this Scripture today. Take a moment to become quiet and allow yourself to become aware of God’s presence with you. Where have you...
The parable of the sower in Matthew 13 deals with the inner condition of one's heart. This design shows a beat-en path, gravel, thorny soil and good soil. The good soil produces in abundance. Sit with the Lord and ask Him about the seeds and...
Groundwater is accessed and life sustained through the digging of wells. Wells represent life, prosperity and abundance. In a dry land, a good well is essential, life-giving & life-saving. In Genesis 26, Isaac, his family, servants and...
Most of us in Iowa are familiar with the sight of fields changing from post-winter to underturned black rich soil, to fuzzy green new growth, to heavy with crop, and back to frozen in winter. Are not our hearts just like these farm fields?
Our soul is the deepest thing about you. Jesus said that the soul is more valuable than the world. So why would we not value it? Two things are true. You have a soul and it is the only one you will ever have. How are you "keeping your...
“Retreat” is a deliberate attempt to place your life before God to seek a deeper awareness of the Divine Presence. To retreat is not to permanently choose to hide or with-draw from conflicts or struggles or responsibilities, but rather a time to...