
Coffee With Moms

When:Every Thursday, from 01/16/2025 to 04/24/2025, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
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In the midst of motherhood it is so important that we take time to be filled so we can love those around us and ourselves as Christ does. This semester you have four (4) options to choose from to grow closer to Jesus and experience his love for you. 


Discipleship:  Discipleship is the rhythm of teaching, learning, & demonstrating how to think, speak, & act as a follower of Christ. Through discipleship together we will study the names of God to deepen our relationship with Jesus and others.  Each week we will discuss a name of God, study how he demonstrates that name in scripture, examine His presence in our week, & share with others how we have experienced one of God's many names in the midst of motherhood. 


Book Study:  We will read Gospel Mom by the authors of Risen Motherhood and discuss how to make biblical decisions and discover the mom God created you to be. 


Thriving in Motherhood: This community will be a space for moms to grow in their relationship with Jesus and each other with support and encouragement from spiritual leaders so that they can thrive during the journey of motherhood. 


The Chosen: Join us as we experience Jesus in a whole new way as we watch and discuss season one of The Chosen together, a show created to bring to life the ministry of Jesus and his disciples.


WHEN: Thursdays, January 9 - April 24 | 9:30 am - 11:00 am

LEADER: Sarah Roozeboom 

MATERIALS: Provided.

CHILDCARE: Available (birth-PreK). Registration required.

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