Participate in Lent: Fast. Give. Grow.
This Lent, we’re inviting EVERYONE to join us in two ancient practices as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
FASTING (Wednesdays during Lent: March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16)
Jesus said, we do not live on bread alone. By giving up something we need—like food—we declare, "Jesus, I need You more." Choose to fast in a way that works for you: skip a meal, change a habit, or sacrifice a small comfort.
ALMSGIVING (Sundays during Lent + April 6)
When we fast, we free up resources which can be used for further generosity. Bring the money you would have spent, and drop it in the collection box . These alms will go toward providing food for the Pella Community Food Shelf (make checks payable to the Pella Community Food Shelf). On April 6, households will shop together to share this blessing with our neighbors.
As we embrace these personal rhythms of fasting and generosity in our daily lives and homes, we also have opportunities to come together as a church family during Lent.