All College Students are invited to brunch following the 9:15 service in the Fellowship Hall.

All College Students are invited to brunch following the 9:15 service in the Fellowship Hall.
PATTH, Honduras Mission, invites you to breakfast on Sunday, February 23. Our infamous banana fritters are on the menu again. Our prayer is to raise $15,000 to build a...
The Global Church Gathering Together Like Never Before Friday, February 28, 7 PM – Saturday, March 1, 8 PM | Third Church Auditorium Register Gather25 is an...
Third Church students invite you to a free-will donation fundraiser event for our summer student trips. Come and enjoy a soup supper before the Ash Wednesday service. We are...
This service is a time for our church family to come together, reflect, and begin our journey through Lent.
During the season of Lent we invite you to "Participate" through "Ceasing + Seeking". Every Wednesday during Lent we invite you to participate in ceasing by...