Sanctuary Worship Services

Every Sunday, from 04/07/2024 to 12/31/2024, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Sanctuary | Third Church, 708 East 13th St, Pella, IA US 50219

The 8:00 service is a blend of classic and modern music with a thirty minute teaching intermixed with congregational readings and prayers. Praise choruses and hymns are sung accompanied by piano, organ, keyboard, or guitar. A choir leads music once a month. Communion is also available each Sunday.

9:15 & 11:00 AM SERVICES
The 9:15 and 11:00 am services have an informal feel and are highly participatory. Dress varies from casual to dress-casual. The music is led by a team of musicians that consists of drums, bass, guitars and keyboards. The service consists of a thirty minute teaching and is highly participatory. From week to week you may be invited into small group discussions, prayer, corporate readings and other activities that create opportunities to encounter Jesus. The option to receive communion from our elders is available every Sunday.

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