Participate: Lent

    02.18.25 | Lent

    In January we cast vision for our church this year: We are going to “practice” following Jesus together in “neighborhoods” (video link?). The next step for us is an invitation: would ALL OF US participate in two specific practices? For a couple thousand years the church has regularly practiced two things: fasting and almsgiving. Quite often these practices were part of Lent, the season in which we prepare our hearts for Jesus redemptive love on the cross.

    Why fasting and what is almsgiving? We need food, without it we die. Jesus said though that we do not live on bread alone, but on the Word of God. So when we give up what we need (food), we’re physically saying “Jesus I need you more.” We’re in this together, which means we’re going to all do this on the same day: every Wednesday in Lent (March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9, and 16).

     When we pass on food, we also free up a few dollars. Almsgiving is generosity. The second invitation is for you to bring those dollars with you to church and drop it in a collection box. Why? Because every child at our church from 2 years old through 8th grade is invited to use it to provide food for the Pella Community Food Shelf. On April 6th from 8:00 – 2:00 households will sign up to shop in our Fellowship Hall. Households look for more detailed information soon.